Monday, September 20, 2010

Random Thoughts

I feel like crap.  But I think I have had a bug.  I am pleased with the photos I edited tonight.  It's easy to edit when you have naturally beautiful subjects.  I have so many more pictures to go, plus another big session this weekend!  I wish I could eat steak again.  I used to love it so, that it until this past Saturday.  I don't know if I will ever eat it again.  Anything that requires you to simultaneously sit on the toilet and hug the garbage can can't possibly ever taste good again.  That goes for baked potatoes, baked onions and possibly salad, too... I am so tired of coughing, and I'm pretty sure Emma is too.  We have had drainage which leads to coughing for almost two weeks now... In about 10 weeks we may know if this baby is a boy or girl.  I can't decide what I'll do or not do about a nursery.  Will this baby care if it doesn't have a room to come home to, yet not use for months?  I am dreading Chuck's scope for him.  And for me!  He isn't the best patient!  I finally got my laundry caught up.  Every single cloth diaper Emma has was dirty.  As were her jammie and all of her other clothes.  I still need to clean my floors.  By the time I get all the toys picked up so I can, it is usually so late that I am too tired to... Emma and I had a great time visiting this weekend.  I was ready to be back in my bed, though.  I am spoiled to my tempur-pedic.  I so need to be in the bed right now.  I cleaned house most of the day for company, but they had to cancel... Which means, no nap.  I am exhausted.  My stomach is a wreck, though, so I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep.  I just remembered that I didn't return any emails today... Sorry!  I will tomorrow.  The Saints better step it up if they are going to beat the 49ers.  I hope Emma doesn't get cold and wake up in the night tonight.  What was I thinking eating boiled shrimp, corn, potatoes, garlic and onions tonight?  Not to mention half the container of muscadines and scuppernogs.  Hope this doesn't end up in a repeat of Saturday night.  Trying to get creative for our tailgate this weekend.  We are supposed to be briefly featured on Fox and I want it to look fantastic.  I have got to go to bed.  I'm cold and can hardly keep my eyes open.  Cover Emma up again and kiss her one more time... Night.

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