Thursday, February 10, 2011

Have you ever?

Have you ever had to clean diarrhea out of the grooves of your hardwood floors?  Me either... That is, until today.

It has been another lovely, poop filled morning at our house.  Seriously, I may change the name of my blog to The Daily Poo or something equally charming.  I feel as if all I ever do is clean up poop, lots and lots of poop, and then share it with you, my wonderful readers.  Glad you like poop stories, or at the very least, enjoy a good laugh at my expense!

Anyway, how did poop diarrhea get in the grooves of my hardwood?  Well, this morning, Emma was stretched out on the living room floor reading.  She pushed up off her belly and rocked back on her knees.  Then drug her arms and hands to her tummy so that she was sitting on her knees.

I saw all of this.  I was ironing and looked up at her so that I could enjoy a rare quiet moment.  I didn't realize that that moment would be so brief... the calm before the storm.  As soon as Emma sat up and made eye contact with me she said, "I need changing."  It was then that I really looked at her and saw the mess that was around her.  She literally was surrounded by poop and covered with it.  Which I still don't understand.  Remember when I said she drug her hands across the floor up to her tummy?  She drug them through the poop.  How did so much escape??? I mean, she had on a diaper and leggings, but somehow it came out the top of her pants in the front and back.  It was everywhere!

Definitely had to have a bath after this one!  Which, has become the norm this week.  I think Emma is cutting a new tooth and it is giving her fits!  Hope that this passes soon!

Happy Thursday!

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