Monday, August 24, 2009


So I mentioned an outing the other day that I said I would elaborate on later...  Well, here goes.

Emma and I went on a little outing to Jackson the other day.  It was a pretty serious outing considering that it was POURING down rain and I took her anyway.  We made several stops and came home with LOTS of fabrics!  When I say LOTS, I mean,             

So what does that mean?  Why did Emma and I tromp through the POURING rain to get fabric... LOTS of fabric????

Well, what that means is... After thinking about this and trying to work out all of the details in my head, I have decided to finally do it!  Do what?  Do IT... I have decided to go into the bib making business!  All handmade and customizable for you!  And, let me tell you, I am so excited to do this.  And, did I mention the adorable name my dear, sweet husband came up with for me?  bibies.  So, precious, isn't it?  

I am working on getting a web site going, but for now, you can email me!  You can click here:  bibies to check out some samples and fabric swatches.  I will be adding more fabric swatches soon, so check back often!  And, if you don't see something you like, let me know what you're looking for and I'll see what I can do!

Hope to send bibies your way soon!

1 comment:

  1. so glad to find your blog!!
    we'll be keeping up with you now!

    the bibs are precious...i have tried to make a few and it was a disaster every time...apparently i'm not patient enough!!

    supposedly there's a great small fabric store near philadelphia (durant? dekalb? i know it started with a d)??!
    you may have found it! if not let me know and i'll ask the person who told me!

